Monday, March 31, 2008

It's really late

I'm laying in bed listening to Nile, a rather noisy band to be listening to at such an hour.  But I can't help myself.  Nile shreds it pretty hard.  I'll probably put on some Misery Index after this and dream about wicked tattoo ideas.  It'd be really cool to have a piece thats really well done with beautiful colors that is centered around a really gnarly lyric.  Something along the lines of, "sometimes I just want to tear out my eyes and be blind to this world that I see" would do just fine.  But that would definitely raise too many eyebrows and I'd have to fucking explain it every time someone questioned it.  Whatever.  Anyways, Sarah got a tattoo and it's pretty fucking badass.   She sat through 3 and a half hours of line work which was pretty bold.  Even the artist commented on how brave she was for sitting down for that long.  I wish I had a picture that I could post but I don't (not yet at least).  Now that I think about it, even little J-Bird (also known as Junebug) has a god damn tattoo.  That little beast is more of a man than I'll ever be!  

Onwards to my recent musical interests:
Ok, so through the B9 board I discovered how AWESOME [b]Machine Head[/b] is, man those dudes can fucking hang.  "Davidian" might be the heaviest song from the mid 90's.  I can't get enough of it.  Don't get me wrong, the rest of "Burn My Eyes" is awesome, but "Davidian" is the best song on the album by far.  
Nile, I don't really have much to say other than that they fucking rule.  I'm pissed I'm just getting into them.  
Misery Index...just another ridiculously good Baltimore band.  I'm so mad at myself for not liking them when I was younger.  I actually believe I used to think they were god awful.  I wish I could go back in time and kick myself in the dick for thinking that.  
Fleet Foxes...they are really great indie rock.  Lot's of acoustic stuff accompanied by really great vocals.  They're one of the only bands I've gotten into recently that I can listen to for hours on end.  I've got 3 albums from them and I love every single song from each album.  I still can't decide which album or EP I dig the most.  Anyways, I highly recommend any release from them, you will not be disappointed.
Helios...if you're into beautiful soundscapes then this is your band.  Great ambient/post rockish stuff.  I don't know their background at all I just know that their music is really beautiful.  When I listen to them my imagine soars.  It's awesome.  I love putting on their album "Eingya" and daydreaming.  They invoke the wildest thoughts possible.  I've got this one daydream inspired by Helios that involves myself, Sarah, and Juneth and we're all just really happy having a great time while floating down an endless river with the sun beaming down on us from above.  If I were to share this day dream with Junebug she would be elated to know that the sun is involved.  In fact, I'm pretty sure if Junebug could spend all of her days lounging on warm concrete in the sun, she'd be way stoked.  

I'm gonna put Helios on repeat and fall asleep.

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